Welcome to​ our ​Virtual Academy Class Room

​Welcome to ​our free masterclass, called:

“Learn to become happy anywhere, anytime, for the rest of your life.”

To make the masterclass work in the ​most optimal way for you, do these 2 things:

  1. ​Get a pen and paper to take notes. 
  2. Free yourself from any distraction for the ​next ​hour, so you can focus fully on the lessons you’re about to learn.

​Click ​PLAY below to enter the Free Masterclass. Enjoy!

Yes! Let me in on these ’17 foundations of a happy life’! 

Click on the button ​to enter your deal of the day! >>>>

This deal is almost for free. It’s worth over € 2,200 when you learn this in live sessions with Maurice one on one.

So having this opportunity, to still be one on one, but now on your computer or phone screen, for only

€ 147,-

is almost a free give away. ​You get access to ​17 video’s (almost 17 hours of content!) and the link to set an appointment for a ​FREE 15 minute call with Maurice himself!

​We told you,  this is an offer you just can’t refuse.

Besides, it doesn’t stop here. In the email we will send you with the invitation to the video training, you will also receive the ultra secret link to the new VIP Facebook group to meet other like minded people that work actively on their life as well! Make friends, share experiences and help each other out!

Click below and make your first conscious decision, now you’ve waken up that decision making is the key to create a happy life! Don’t hesitate, but DO, take the action so you can start implementing this in your life immediately!

This you CAN decide, you are in control, you created the freedom!

Now make sure you don’t close this page too soon.

If you want to think THIS over and are hesitating to get started with the 17 foundations, remember that this page might be gone soon. remember what Maurice said? 

​”Choose wisely, because once you made a decision, that could mean other options are off the table from there on.”

choose wisely.

​Welcome the change, let the toddler mind do it’s work. 

​making change is nothing to be scared off, it’s part of nature.

​This is what you will ​get when you enroll on the 17 foundations of living the happy life:

17 video lessons, all between 45 minutes and an hour (sometimes even longer than that) about these subjects:

  • How to build the right mindset for growth and change
  • How to use the mindset of abundance vs scarcity
  • How the comfort zone is your strength and your weakness
  • How you can ​make your comfort zone bigger
  • How to stay out of the Panic Zone
  • How to overcome fear in any situation
  • How to know if he or she is the right one
  • How to know what you look for in a life partner
  • How to find that special one
  • How being just ‘you’ is the best strategy
  • How you can build on your own charm
  • How you can explore your full potential
  • How you can build attraction
  • How language can determine our choices
  • How body language controls our mind and actions
  • How you can read people more easily
  • How your language pattern influence others
  • How speaking in public is a magic skill
  • How to persuade people to think alike
  • How your masculinity influences your daily life
  • How your femininity influences your daily life
  • How you should own both your masculinity and femininity in balance
  • How you can grow old and stay ahead of the pack
  • How you can grow your world by exploring your mind
  • How to learn even faster
  • How to read a book a day
  • How the past determines your ​present, not your future
  • How to never fail again
  • How to shift your mindset from trying to doing
  • How to make things happen
  • How you can ​get 90+ years old
  • How to create richness
  • How you find inner peace
  • How you can understand everybody
  • How you can fix any challenge you encounter
  • How to set the right goals
  • How to achieve them
  • How to create balance in life
  • How to find the answer you even didn’t know you were looking for
  • How to find your happiness
  • How to create your happiness
  • How to take control over your life, and create freedom every day


as a bonus you also get:

a 15 minute personal talk with Maurice himself on how you can use this program and how you can implement it specifically into your life


free access to our private members area on Facebook where you can meet other participants of the 17 foundations for living the happy life. interact, learn and cooperate in your new designed life to make the best out of it for yourself


Regular free lessons send to you via email. we will keep updating our knowledge and share our wisdom with you for free as much as we can. You also will be notified as a preferred member in new developed services so you can use our early bird access plan for these exclusive services. you decide, cherry pick what’s for you!

so, if you hadn’t already made the decision, do it now. Start living the life you’ve always wanted by changing your life on your terms! 

click the button below.

We ​bypass the 10,000 hours rule

​Did you hear about the 10,000 hours rule? That it takes 10,000 hours to master a certain skill?

But we are going to bypass that. Because you know what? Yes, it takes 10,000 hours to become an ultimate, professional, guru in ​something. But you definitely do not need 10,000 hours to learn this to a point that it ​will give you ​direct results. 

No Way!

It will take you just 20 hours to do so. With anything, that is – by the way – it’s not something I came up with. In just 20 hours, you can learn a new skill that will bring you immediate result. That’s like less than a full day! It’s by far not the 10k hours you hear everyone talk about. 

Not a chance. You can learn this in 20 hours or less. Our program has about ​20 hours of content for you. ​So here’s your life-hack of the day. 

20 hours my friend.

​You can nail this.

Invest in yourself with 100% ​MONEY BACK GUARANTEE

I want you to feel safe. I want you to know that this is real. That this actually works. And to put my money where my mouth is, I will give you a FULL refund if you decide within 30 day’s this isn’t working for you. 

​Whatever your reason is,​ just send me an email that you’d like a refund and I will transfer the money back. No questions asked. 

​So there is literally no reason why not to do this. There is no risk involved, other the risk that you will get control back into your ​life.

​when you click the button, you will be redirected to our payment portal. Fill in your details and once you bought the program, we will send you the private and personal link to our learning platform to let you start with the training right away. ​The video’s are still being recorded as we speak, so it might not show all the lessons yet, but we plan to enroll a lesson each week at a minimum. thank you for your patience, as you can imagine recording 17 hours of video lessons is a ton of work, all being done ​by a small team. if you do want to cancel the program within 30 days, we will refund the total amount to your account. ​Once you downloaded one or more lessons we will not refund any of the paid money under any circumstance. this is a digital product and can only be obtained by this platform as a streaming service. downloads of the videos will be provided for personal use only. if you start uploading this to other websites and share it for free, we will not ​love you ​so much any more. we help you make yourself happy so please make us happy too. joke aside, please respect our time and effort and don’t share this content with others but redirect them to our website www.masteryourpersonality.com if you think they can benefit from this too. share the love, not the content, thank you for that. all rights are reserved by master your personality, copyright by maurice zondag, 2019, Leiden, the Netherlands. did you actually read all this? wow, you are thorough. but really, there’s not much more to say. its time for action now.

​what are you waiting for?

Click that damn button up there and​ start learning! 🙂

​Uh oh… did something went wrong after the masterclass? I bet you’re looking for this then.