Pre-register for the MASTERCLASS (and receive 50% off)
‘Break All The Rules And Do What Makes You Happy’
We live often in a feeling of safety but we sacrifice our joy and happiness. Thinking it must be like this. That safety can’t mean you do what you love and pursuit what really makes you happy and fulfilled.
Pre register for this masterclass and you’ll receive 50% discount on the entry fee.
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In this MasterClass you will learn:
- How to know what makes you happy to pursuit
- How to understand your fears and what to do with them
- Create a plan to execute on, so you can start right away living the life you truly desire
- How to understand the risks and still feel safe
- How to live the life you’ve always wanted, without any restrictions
” We are afraid of the unknow. So make the unknown, known and you can create your plan how to conquer it “
Maurice Zondag
Personal Leadership coach

How this works
In the lives we live we have created so many beliefs, that we don’t even see them anymore in our conscious minds.
For example: What is your belief about what making a lot of money takes? Is it luck? Hard work? Evilness? Whatever your belief is, that is how you make it happen or sabotage it. And it’s not about your beliefs being true or not. It’s about how you manage these beliefs. Do they serve you? Or are they working against you?
Once you are able to understand how these beliefs hold you back, you can do something about it.
Did you know we can actually change our beliefs? We do it all the time.
In this masterclass you will take a closer look at these new paradigms to make them work for you. Everyone can do this, because we do this already every day. It’s just more effective when we do it consciously.
It’s time you learn that.
See How Easily You Can Live The Life You Love
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Pre-Register today and receive not only 50% off your entry fee but also:
- A recording of the session, so you can re-watch it or, if you weren’t able to attend live still watch it at any given time.
- Free strategy call with Maurice himself to create your strategy for your next steps
- Receive the Living the good life – blueprint
- Daily inspiration, how-to’s, tips and hacks how to create the life you desire
- View behind the scene’s in the series ‘How I do it’

About Maurice Zondag
Maurice Zondag is the founder of Master Your Personality and lives his life towards his own teachings. Born and raised in The Netherlands he lived the model life for many years. Until he discovered he had more potential than just that. He is now a self made man that created his life towards his vision. As a coach, trainer, international public speaker (like TEDx), author, award winning podcast producer. He currently lives and works currently in Switzerland.
He teaches other men around the globe this same way of living. Living towards your own vision, not that of the common society. They created rules that works for many, but that’s no guarantee it works with you.
This message is from Maurice to you:
“You decide for yourself. Are you living your dream life? If so, I salute you. And am happy for you.
If not, then this is your chance. Even if you don’t know yet how that life would look like and you just have this feeling ‘there should be more’. Or ‘Is this it?'”
Pre-register for this unique masterclass where Maurice wills share his life lessons and practical guides that will help you create your ideal life. What ever that may look like. That is totally up to you.
Pre-Register now and pay just 49,- (regular price 99,-)
– use ‘happy’ as coupon code for 50 off –
Pre-register for the MASTERCLASS (and receive 50% off)
‘Break All The Rules And Do What Makes You Happy’
We live often in a feeling of safety but we sacrifice our joy and happiness. Thinking it must be like this. That safety can’t mean you do what you love and pursuit what really makes you happy and fulfilled.
Pre register for this masterclass and you’ll receive 50% discount on the entry fee.
– use ‘happy” as coupon code for 50 off –
In this MasterClass you will learn:
” We are afraid of the unknow. So make the unknown, known and you can create your plan how to conquer it “
Maurice Zondag
Personal Leadership coach
How this works
In the lives we live we have created so many beliefs, that we don’t even see them anymore in our conscious minds.
For example: What is your belief about what making a lot of money takes? Is it luck? Hard work? Evilness? Whatever your belief is, that is how you make it happen or sabotage it. And it’s not about your beliefs being true or not. It’s about how you manage these beliefs. Do they serve you? Or are they working against you?
Once you are able to understand how these beliefs hold you back, you can do something about it.
Did you know we can actually change our beliefs? We do it all the time.
In this masterclass you will take a closer look at these new paradigms to make them work for you. Everyone can do this, because we do this already every day. It’s just more effective when we do it consciously.
It’s time you learn that.
See How Easily You Can Live The Life You Love
– use ‘happy’ as coupon code for 50,- off –
Pre-Register today and receive not only 50% off your entry fee but also:
About Maurice Zondag
Maurice Zondag is the founder of Master Your Personality and lives his life towards his own teachings. Born and raised in The Netherlands he lived the model life for many years. Until he discovered he had more potential than just that. He is now a self made man that created his life towards his vision. As a coach, trainer, international public speaker (like TEDx), author, award winning podcast producer. He currently lives and works currently in Switzerland.
He teaches other men around the globe this same way of living. Living towards your own vision, not that of the common society. They created rules that works for many, but that’s no guarantee it works with you.
This message is from Maurice to you:
“You decide for yourself. Are you living your dream life? If so, I salute you. And am happy for you.
If not, then this is your chance. Even if you don’t know yet how that life would look like and you just have this feeling ‘there should be more’. Or ‘Is this it?'”
Pre-register for this unique masterclass where Maurice wills share his life lessons and practical guides that will help you create your ideal life. What ever that may look like. That is totally up to you.
Pre-Register now and pay just 49,- (regular price 99,-)
– use ‘happy’ as coupon code for 50 off –