Every Tuesday morning I work out with a personal trainer. I like this guy. He pushes me to the limit I otherwise wouldn’t reach.
I’ve had gym memberships several times in the past. Because I know working out is good for me. So with a fresh start, discipline in my back pocket, I subscribe for a new membership at some local gym. They persuaded me because they had a red logo, because they have gadget machines so workouts are more fun, because the girl behind the counter was nice, there were many reasons. But never the right one.
I mean, working out just sucks. I don’t like it. I don’t feel better afterward, hell no, I’m wasted afterwards! Everything hurts, my body is exhausted, I feel hungry and lightheaded. But I know it is good for me.
But when the balance scale drops to the ‘It sucks’ side, you quit. I have quit many times. Always actually. I do understand it is good for me, but my general feeling was: ‘hell with it’. So with only discipline, I didn’t last. Because ‘discipline’ is actually punishing yourself for the greater good. So when it’s just me who decides what workouts I should do and when to go, I don’t go at all.
So I knew I had to change my approach. And that’s why I hired someone now to be my discipline. Someone that overrules the voice in my head. When I think it is enough, he pushes me to the limit. Call it peer pressure, call it weak that I don’t have the discipline to do it myself, I call it smart. When you know where you flake and still know you should do it, hire someone that does it for you.
Now, the best option would be that he does the exercises for me and I build the muscle. But since that is not the case, this is the best solution. He can be the voice in my head that does push me to go all in.
And then something funny happens. I’m doing this now for two months, and I’m feeling result! I feel stronger, more fit and have more energy! So it is working! And now motivation begins to grow.
And motivation combined with discipline is the golden combination for success.
I still don’t like to work out, but when you know and see the result, it becomes easier to say: ‘Fuck it’ to that little voice in my head when I have to leave home to go meet my new voice in my head that says: “3 more times!! Come one!!”
He’s an asshole really. But I like him.
Make it a great day!
– Maurice
Every Tuesday morning I work out with a personal trainer. I like this guy. He pushes me to the limit I otherwise wouldn’t reach.
I’ve had gym memberships several times in the past. Because I know working out is good for me. So with a fresh start, discipline in my back pocket, I subscribe for a new membership at some local gym. They persuaded me because they had a red logo, because they have gadget machines so workouts are more fun, because the girl behind the counter was nice, there were many reasons. But never the right one.
I mean, working out just sucks. I don’t like it. I don’t feel better afterward, hell no, I’m wasted afterwards! Everything hurts, my body is exhausted, I feel hungry and lightheaded. But I know it is good for me.
But when the balance scale drops to the ‘It sucks’ side, you quit. I have quit many times. Always actually. I do understand it is good for me, but my general feeling was: ‘hell with it’. So with only discipline, I didn’t last. Because ‘discipline’ is actually punishing yourself for the greater good. So when it’s just me who decides what workouts I should do and when to go, I don’t go at all.
So I knew I had to change my approach. And that’s why I hired someone now to be my discipline. Someone that overrules the voice in my head. When I think it is enough, he pushes me to the limit. Call it peer pressure, call it weak that I don’t have the discipline to do it myself, I call it smart. When you know where you flake and still know you should do it, hire someone that does it for you.
Now, the best option would be that he does the exercises for me and I build the muscle. But since that is not the case, this is the best solution. He can be the voice in my head that does push me to go all in.
And then something funny happens. I’m doing this now for two months, and I’m feeling result! I feel stronger, more fit and have more energy! So it is working! And now motivation begins to grow.
And motivation combined with discipline is the golden combination for success.
I still don’t like to work out, but when you know and see the result, it becomes easier to say: ‘Fuck it’ to that little voice in my head when I have to leave home to go meet my new voice in my head that says: “3 more times!! Come one!!”
He’s an asshole really. But I like him.
Make it a great day!
– Maurice
Maurice Zondag
Maurice is the founder of Master Your Personality and originator of the concept of "The 5 Sources of Happiness". He is a certified health and life success coach and he helps people to have a healthier life, more confidence and create the mindset that leads to owning your desired life and get what you want in life.